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  • Grace Zhu

Marketing Class Recommendations

April 19th, 2021

By: Grace Zhu

Are you unsure about which marketing classes to take in the upcoming semester? Here are some of our E-board members' favorite marketing classes and tips on class selection!

Camille Rochaix

Favorite marketing class: Intro to Marketing with professor Andy West (taken at the Sydney study abroad site). The content was great, but I also really enjoyed the fact that I was abroad, so I was learning cases that were global and not only focused on the US, which was hard to find at the New York campus. I also really like Brand Strategy, a class I’m in right now, with professor Menon. I like the cases she brings up and the brand strategies are interesting. She brings in cool speakers like Red Antler and BAV (which reminds me of Marketing Society).

Favorite project or idea learned: In Intro to Marketing, I mostly liked the class because of the case studies we learned about. We did one on the Opera House and a project on Vegemite (an Australian food brand). For Brand Strategy, we’re doing a project on Oreos, which is a fun brand.

Favorite memory: For Intro to Marketing, I went on a field trip to the Queen Victoria building (a mall) and we did a qualitative study there, which was pretty interesting.

Would you recommend the class(es)? Yes. I suggest taking Intro to Marketing abroad because most of the time your professor is international so they have that unique experience that New York professors usually don’t. Also, Brand Strategy’s projects are pretty cool.

Tips: After a while, marketing classes start to blur, so try to space out your marketing classes. Especially if you take them in New York, your professors will start to use the same examples.

Jhasper Paul

Favorite marketing class: My favorite marketing class has been Brand Strategy with Geeta Menon! She is the former dean of Stern Undergrad so she’s very knowledgeable and engaging and it shows through her class. This class allows us to talk about the more minute details of branding, from color theory to even phonetic theory: it’s so interesting and I highly recommend!

Favorite project or idea learned: My favorite thing was when we had a guest speaker from Harry’s, a men’s grooming product company. We heard from a brand strategist from that company, a former Stern Alum, and he walked us through the creation of Harry’s sub-brand Flamingo, their female counterpart. It was so insightful!

Favorite memory: My favorite memory are all the little interactivities Prof. Menon includes in class. She’ll often ask us to say what associations we have with a certain brand using the chat function and it’s so fun to see everyone’s differing associations.

Would you recommend the class? I highly recommend this class!

Tips: Once you get to the higher-level marketing classes, you’ll find that they become more niche and specific. This makes it more interesting! Choose classes you’re genuinely interested in, not just ones you think you “should” take. It’ll be way easier to study that way!

Aanandi Suri

Favorite marketing class: Consumer Behavior with Jared Watson. I really like it because all the assignments we’re doing are very practical, so we’re learning concepts then applying them. For example, we’re doing a building influence project where we have to have our own Twitter and act as an influencer on whatever topic we like. There were other assignments with startups and shark tank, which were fun.

Favorite project or idea learned: The influencer project on Twitter. It was interesting to be an influencer yourself and see how that goes. I have a food account, so I post about restaurants and recipes, and people have just been engaging. We did an assignment on how to go viral, so we applied concepts from class on our own Twitter.

Favorite memory: We had a guest speaker from the Doughnut Project, and the CEO came to talk to us. They have new donuts every week, so it was interesting to see how they decide what flavors work and how they interpret consumer behavior.

Tips: There are a lot of cool and fun marketing electives. I try to take classes that I’m actually interested in!

Andrew Ni

Favorite marketing class: Digital Business Strategy with Sunder Narayanan. It focuses on how marketing is applied on social media, which is different from traditional marketing when it comes to strategy.

Favorite project or idea learned: The most important thing was the social marketing process, where the first stage is fan acquisition, then engaging with them, amplifying the brand, and ensuring there is a community of fans. After that, you see the brand strengthen and subsequently sales.

Favorite memory: At the end of the course (when I took it), we got guest speakers coming in each day, who were all former students of the professor. They came from the marketing wings of certain firms, and they were applying the concepts we learned in class.

Tips: I’m not a marketing major, but marketing classes are very transferable to any industry you’re going in! You learn elements of persuasion.

We hope that this article was helpful! To view the course descriptions of more marketing classes, view this page:


Grace Zhu is one of Marketing Society’s Spring 2021 Co-Content Directors at NYU Marketing Society. She is a freshman at NYU CAS majoring in Economics and minoring in the Business of Entertainment, Media & Technology. She is running the MktSoc Case Studies column!

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